There are some general factors to be considered before and after surgery. However, these factors may vary depending on the surgical intervention performed, the person’s general state of health, and the advice given by the surgical team. The factors to be considered before and after surgery are as follows:


Good Communication with the Doctor: Talk to your doctor about the planned surgical intervention. Let your doctor inform you about the procedure and make your expectations apparent.

Smoking and Alcohol: Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol before surgery can impair the healing process. As a result, stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking as much as possible.

Medicines and Supplements: Consult your doctor about any herbal products, vitamin supplements, or medications you take in the preoperative period. Some medicines should be stopped before surgery.

Nutrition: Eat a healthy and balanced diet before and after surgery to support the body’s healing process.

Surgery Day Preparations: Follow your doctor’s instructions specifically for the day of surgery.

After Surgery:

Compliance with the Doctor’s Instructions: Carefully follow all instructions given to you by your doctor after the surgery. Take your medicines regularly, and do not neglect the prescribed check-ups.

Rest and Recovery: Make sure you get enough rest after surgery. Avoid heavy physical activity for a certain period.

Wound Care: Follow your doctor’s advice. This can reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing of wounds.

Nutrition and Hydration: Eat a healthy diet and drink enough water. This can make it easier for the body to heal.

Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking should also be avoided during the healing process. Drink alcohol as recommended by your doctor.

Emotional Support: Support is critical in the postoperative period. You can get help from professional support services or friends.

Your doctor will give you specific advice given your condition and the nature of your surgical intervention, as it differs for every patient.